Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lunar eclipse

She played hide and seek with the clouds,
Till she grew tired of the game,
Yet, the darkness kept growing,
Slowly, steadily
Till she could be seen no more.

Her radiance diminished, she stood still,
Despite the baying dogs
And the bats — their velvety wings
flapping black against a black sky
For a moment, the world went dark.

Then, with a flash, the shadows peeled back
The dogs fell quiet, the bats stayed still.
As her brilliant radiance lit up the night
We'd known she'd be back.
She knew she'd never left.

Pic credit: Mickie Mueller

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Quirky is good, she told me
I didn't argue
There are no labels for quirky

Quirky folks get left alone
To live in their quirky worlds
Anonymous and masked

Quirky is carefully wrapped
Till the bubble-wrap changes its form,
And quirky is lost as new labels are found

Happy New Year

I got off work a lil early.
Came home to a silent house.
Put my food into the microwave.
And switched the TV on,
to drown out a neighbor's party.

Name poems

Zigzagging through ziggurats,
Enjoying the feeling of smooth
Pebbles beneath my toes -
Hues of blue and red
Run into one another,
As I smile and turn the page
My life confuses me-
A lot of a little, and a little of a lot
Remains fragmented in a spiral brain
Illuminated by a candle -
Lit to find what was lost
Yet burning long after
Night has given way to day

The Muse is Out

A blank page stares up at me
As I attempt to sift through volleys of words,
Shot at me from my subconscious
The search for meaning is soon aborted.

Words swirl around my head
The vortex is a migrane
Thoughts remain half-formed.
The consistance of a bad souffle.

I make a desperate call
The phone rings, is answered.
"I'm sorry to have missed your call..."
The muse is out.


I sit, staring into nothingness
Drowning in a sea of diluted thoughts.

Dreams, once technicolored, fade to black
Fanstasies, mere sailboats in a tumultous sea

My brain reflects others thoughts,
Shimmering wisps glinting off mirrors well-bronzed

People around me, beg to be watched.
Nameless faces, faceless names, merge one into another

I see, but am I looking?
I hear, but do I listen?
I exist. But do I live?

Narcissistic or wat???

It's strange how beautiful muddy river water can be, as it twirls beneath the bridge you're standing on
It's strange how u can live most of ur life in a city, and yet be a stranger to its secrets...
It's strange how bits of a song can stick in your head and pop out at the appropriate moment
It's strange how much of an impact people leave on one anothe, without meaning to...
It's strange how one true cliches are...
It's strange how much one person's life can change in a day... a moment....
It's strange how strange one just can be
It's strange how much i love me.
I wonder if i'd marry me...

Prometheus returns

Fair friend of man,
Prometheus was,
Who brought them fire
An inspired the great holy wars

Fire came to earth,
With the Gods' own ire:
He was bound night and day,
for stealing the fire.

Prometheus lay shattered
As the gods watch in mirth
At a hungry bird
Checking his liver's daily growth.

Then the Son of Zeus
Hercules was his name,
Slaying the bird, he won
a round in that celestial game
Promethus lies unbound
Free, yet still in pain...
The shackles are gone,
but the memories remain.

Nights are disturbed
by slivers of shadows
As niggling doubts
into nightmares flow
Can time really heal
An unbroken heart
That was sliced into two,
Right at the start?

Part II


The curtains are drawn across the stage
Lights fade out slowly
Till total darkness prevails

Suddenly, a flash of phosphorence
The stage lights up. The spotlight is on,
Radiant- even through the darkened screen

Drama unfolds before unblinking eyes
Shielded by the pouring rain

The sky - a chameleon:
Red, Orange, Black,
Interspersed by violent white.

The darkness looms, occasionally,
Lights soon return, and zigzagging paths
Mark the stairway to heaven.

Lights go off, come on again...
The darkness has not a chance.

I turn off my night light
Staring through a shut window
At Ma Nature's spectacular display

Act one is over, the curtain reopens
The stars come out, their time for hiding has past.
It's the clouds, this time-

The wind appears - a major player,
The earth heaves a sigh of dry relief

Black turns to grey, and grey to white
But not for long, the show must go on
So the curtains will be drawn,

The spotlight will come on,
Act Two will follow, And three...
And four... And five...


Dark clouds part a mezzotinted sky
While the petrichord rises from the earth
Wave after wave, almost an assault
As senses awaken. One at a time
Heavenly Tears, they've oft been called
That flow when Gaea takes the fall
For ornery children's hearts impure
Then tears turn torrential, even thunderous
As Thor and Ty ally
To capture images of a luminous night
While gushing gauntlets gather force
Unshielded souls shatter to smithereens
Yet, diaphanous blooms in glorious disarray
Soak up the shadows of the rainbow
And hormones surge as Jupiter awakens,
Emotions direct, not rhyme nor reason.

Midnight Musings I

I sit to write, and stars appear
Before my eyes
White contrasts with white
Music fades -in and out-
surreptiously in the background
Creating, or destroying,
(I know not which)
the moment words begin to flow.

The stars begin to fade...
but not from my eyes
as I sit, starry-eyed
In awe of the world...
in puzzlement -
of superconductors,
LPG engines,
Modifed salt crystals,
Reattached fingers
that once were dead.

Images cloud my mind
White on white no longer
The stars disappear...
Only to be replaced
by spots of varying greys
I know not which to gaze upon
To form a pixelated Image
Of life, as it passes me by.

Thy names are many...

Embers glow.
Red heat turns white
ever hungry,
all consuming
Many names, one face.
Vulcan, Agni, Bel...
Feared and revered,
Since time began.
Now, a power embraced,
A religion unto itself.

My wave

My element. this is me.
A crashing wave.
I go up. I come down.
Static is what i am not.
As lazy, as unpredictable,
as everything a wave can be..
this is me.

Glass Cage

I sit, enclosed in glass

Observing; Voices

a distant murmur

Yet loud enough

to drown any thoughts

That may stray

Into my mind uninvited